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Library Tutorials

Off-Campus Database Access Video Tutorial

In this short video, you will learn how to access the Sacred Heart University Library databases from off campus.


Off-Campus Database Access

In this short video, you will learn how to access the Sacred Heart University Library databases from off campus.

To access the online databases from home or any other off-campus location, you will need to use the network user ID assigned to you by Sacred Heart University.

When you click on the title of one of the databases, a box will pop up asking for this information.  On the first line, type just your username. On the second line, type in your password.  Hit enter.
Library Remote Access Login page

Once you have accessed one database, you will be able to access any other database through our library website.  However, if you let the database sit idle for 20 minutes or longer, you will be logged out and you will have to sign in again.

Please be aware that some employers do have firewalls that may prevent you from accessing the databases from your place of employment. If you have any problems accessing the databases, please contact our Reference Desk at (203) 371-7726 or email us at

If you need further assistance, feel free to contact us at the library!

PDF Transcript

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