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Library Tutorials

QuickSearch Video Tutorial

In this short video, you will learn about QuickSearch and a number of features designed to help you as you begin your research.



In this short video, you will learn about QuickSearch and a number of features designed to help you as you begin your research.

QuickSearch is a powerful tool that allows you to search most of Sacred Heart University Library’s resources from one single search box. It provides seamless access to the SHU Library catalog, Digital Commons @SHU, and most of our article databases, including Academic Search Premier, CINAHL Complete, and Business Source Premier. For a full list of the resources being searched, click on the “What is QuickSearch?” link in the QuickSearch box on the library homepage.
What is QuickSearch link in the main QuickSearch box

As you begin researching your topic, enter your search term in the QuickSearch box and click “Search” to be brought to the main results page.
QuickSearch search

While searching all these resources at once can be a time saver as you begin your research, the sheer number of results can be overwhelming. For this reason, QuickSearch has a number of built-in tools that can help you narrow down to just the information that you need.

One of the first things you may notice is the box above the first result. This is the Research Starter box that displays a link to reference materials relevant to your search term. This content provides you with basic information and may help you narrow the scope of your search.
Research Starter box with reference information

When you search a general keyword, you may see a box in between search results #7 and #8 with recommendations for our Research Guides and for subject specific databases. This box is meant to guide you to more information as you continue to refine your research.
SpringShare placard between results #7 and #8 with links to Research Guides and Databases

Another tool in QuickSearch can help if you are searching for a specific journal title that publishes articles in your subject area. When you search a word or phrase that is also a journal title, you may see a Journal search box appear at the top of your results. By searching within this box, you will find results from that specific journal title.
Publications search box

If you are already relatively comfortable with the subject you are searching, you can always narrow down your results with a variety of limiters down the left side of the results page. These limiters include ones for Full Text, Peer Reviewed articles, Books, Date, and Subjects.
Quick Search Limiters on left side of page

If you feel like you need some help as you are using QuickSearch and its tools, you can always chat with one of our librarians. Simply click on the blue “Ask Us” button on the top right side of the screen. This will start a new chat session with a librarian who will help you with your research. Our chat hours are the same as our Ask a Librarian hours.
Ask Us Chat Box on right side of page

For further assistance with QuickSearch or any other questions, feel free to contact us at the library!

PDF Transcript

Additional Tutorials

sacred heart university, Sacred Heart University Library, library, library help, help, QuickSearch, database, databases, library databases, research, libraries
