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Library Tutorials

QuickSearch: Articles Video Tutorial

In this short video, you will learn how to quickly find articles, including peer reviewed articles, in QuickSearch.


QuickSearch: Articles

In this short video, you will learn how to quickly find articles in QuickSearch.

QuickSearch is a powerful tool that allows you to search most of Sacred Heart University Library’s resources from one single search box. It provides seamless access to the SHU Library catalog, Digital Commons @SHU, and most of our article databases, including Academic Search Premier, CINAHL Complete, and Business Source Premier. For a full list of the resources being searched, click on the “What am I searching?” link in the QuickSearch box on the library homepage.
QuickSearch box

To begin, simply type your search terms into the QuickSearch box on the library’s homepage and click Search.
QuickSearch search

This will bring you to the results page. It is important to remember that QuickSearch will retrieve results in a wide variety of formats, including journal articles, books, DVDs, streaming videos, and more.

If you are just looking for journal articles, you can use the options along the left-side of the page to narrow down your results. Click the “Academic Journals” checkbox under “Limit by Source Type” to view just academic journal article results.
Limit by Source Type Limiter

Sometimes you will need to use peer-reviewed articles for your research. To see just the peer-reviewed articles in the results, keep the “Academic Journals” limiter on and click on the “Peer Reviewed” checkbox under the Limit To section. Now all your results are peer-reviewed, academic journal articles.
Limit To Limiter

Many of these results will have links directly to the PDF or links to the full text in specific database.
PDF Full Text Link

However, some results might not have the full text readily available. In these cases, click the Full Text Finder link, which will check for the full text in all our resources.
Full Text Finder Button

If it finds full text access somewhere, it will take you directly to the full text or to a journal page where you can browse to the article. If it does not find it, you can follow the "Request Item” link to our Interlibrary Loan service so we can try to get the article from another library at no cost to you.
Request this item link to Interlibrary Loan

For further assistance with QuickSearch or any other questions, feel free to contact us at the library!

PDF Transcript

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