In this short video, you will learn how to quickly find books in QuickSearch.
In this short video, you will learn how to quickly find books in QuickSearch.
QuickSearch is a powerful tool that allows you to search most of Sacred Heart University Library’s resources from one search box. For a full list of the resources being searched, click on the “What is QuickSearch?” link in the QuickSearch box on the library homepage.
To begin, simply type in your search terms in the QuickSearch box on the library’s homepage and click Search.
This will bring you to the results page. It is important to remember that QuickSearch will retrieve results in a wide variety of formats, including journal articles, books, DVDs, streaming videos, and more.
If you are just looking for books, you can simply click the “Books” checkbox under “Limit by Source Type” on the left-hand side. These results will include both books in the library and eBooks that you can read online.
To limit the results down to physical books in the library, click the “Physical Collection” link under the Limit To section.
Each result will display the book’s Location in the library, the Call Number, and the current availability Status of the book. Note down the Location and Call Number to find the book in the library.
If you would like to find similar books, you can click on a book title from the results page. Scrolling to the bottom of the page, you can click on the Similar Books section to browse related books in the library’s collection.
Similarly, you can browse other books by the author by clicking on the Other Books by this Author section.
For further assistance with finding books in QuickSearch or any other questions, feel free to contact us at the library!
sacred heart university, Sacred Heart University Library, library, library help, help, QuickSearch, books, book, finding books, locating books, eBooks, finding eBooks, locating eBooks, database, databases, library databases, research, libraries