What Makes a Good Profile?
Key elements often include:
What are Fingerprints?
How do I remove Fingerprints?
What are Keywords and how do they differ from Fingerprints?
Keywords are similar to tags. Researchers can add 'keywords' and search them. Fingerprints are produced automatically based on content within the profile.
How do I add Keywords?
an I disable the collaboration map from my profile?
Your profile is automatically defaulted to show your collaboration map and metrics. You do, however, have the option to hide these on your profile. This does not delete any data, it only removes it from your public profile.
Why do I see duplicate publications?
Data is pulled from several online sources. Duplications occur when one source is creating a record that already exists.
How can I remove duplicate publications from my profile?
When a duplicate record has been found, only PURE administrators can merge the records. Digitization & Scholarly Publications Manager, Deana Santoro-Dillon is doing her best to merge all duplications. Please be patient while we are still in the transition phase.
What is a 'Trusted User'?
A person who is authorized to maintain and update content on your behalf. You can add one or more trusted users. Your trusted user(s) must have a user account/profile created for them by the Pure administrator.
Why do some of my publications or research outputs say 'default journal'?
This occurred because there wasn't a journal title listed on the old profile so the migration resulted in a default setting, If a incorrect content type was chosen either by you or from the migration, the default journal field will occur even if it doesn't apply to the record. You can change it by following the instructions below: