Welcome to Pure, SHU’s new faculty profile platform. Pure collects, stores and organizes SHU’s research data such as publications, activities, projects, prizes and grants from different departments and research areas into one research environment.
Pure profile pages are available to Sacred Heart University administrators, faculty members, staff, and Emeriti professors with published content. Anyone with a previous Bepress profile will be migrated. Students do not have profiles. The Digital Commons Team at the library will create your Pure profile site for you. Email any citations or a CV to Deana Santoro-Dillon santoro-dillond@sacredheart.edu. Once the site is created, you will be able to update or edit at any time. Profile pages may be as brief or extensive as you desire.
You will need to reset your password the first time you login.
Other differences:
Getting Started
Go to Pure- https://sacredheart.elsevierpure.com
There is also a login at the bottom of the Profiles Homepage. This is your professional website which can be customized and edited by you.