Education Databases
The two premiere education databases that we subscribe to are ERIC and Education Research Complete. Try searching these two databases when you start your research. They can be found under "Best Bets" in the Education Database list.
A full tutorial can be found HERE
Both ERIC and Education Research Complete are EBSCO-hosted databases (a major database company). Since they are hosted by the same company, you can search them at the same time by clicking "choose database" at the top of the search bars. There are other education databases such as Teacher's Reference Center, Professional Development Collection, and Educational Administration Abstracts that can also be searched at the same time through EBSCO's interface. This only works for EBSCO databases. You cannot search Educator's Reference Center and Education Research Center at the same because Educator's Reference Center is provided by a different database company called Gale.
Searching is a trial-and-error process. Try searching different combinations of databases. Don't limit yourself to only education databases. Academic Search Premier is a massive multi-disciplinary database that is worth a search (it's an EBSCO database as well). If you have a relevant topic, try searching databases such as PsychINFO (premiere psychology database) and SocINDEX (premiere sociology database). They have a wide-range of mental health or sociology in education journals. Education can be a multi-disciplinary topic. Be creative and try to think of other potential databases that aren't necessarily education databases.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to search the ERIC database.