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Undergraduate Publishing

Library Research

Searching for content through Sacred Heart University Library points you toward the kinds of high-quality resources necessary for rigorous, academic research. Below are links to research guides and tools for locating resources.

Finding Journal Articles

Sacred Heart University Library has access to academic journal literature from thousands of publications. If you know the specific journal you wish to use, or if you want to explore journals in a particular subject area, you can utilize our "Journal Finder" tool to find the location of the publication in our print or electronic holdings.

If you have a citation for a resource, you can use our "Citation Linker" tool to find out if it is present in our collection.

If you are unsure of where to go to find journal content on your topic, consider exploring the "Databases by Subject" listing in the box to the right.

Finding Books

To find book materials in Sacred Heart University Library's print and electronic collections, utilize the basic and advanced search features in our Library Catalog.

Research Databases

Sacred Heart University Library subscribes to over 90 databases to help you with your research in any of the disciplines taught across campus. To access these databases, use the links below.

If you know the database that you want to access, simply locate the link through our A to Z list.

Research Help

If you are having difficulties familiarizing yourself with the resources available in your subject of study, utilize our collection of research guides to help point you in the right direction.

Additionally, feel free to schedule a research consultation with a subject librarian to get specialized assistance.

Can’t Find it Here? Use Interlibrary Loan (ILL)!

What is an Interlibrary Loan?

  • Interlibrary Loan is a service that makes it possible for SHU students, faculty, and staff to obtain copies of books, articles, and other library materials that are not owned by SHU from other libraries.  SHU Library, like many other academic libraries, both lends and borrows materials from other cooperating institutions.  Sacred Heart University students, faculty, and staff are eligible to use the service. A request form is available below.

Request an Interlibrary Loan

Please note: Before requesting an article, a book chapter or book through the library Interlibrary Loan service, please search Sacred Heart University Library's catalog and Research Databases, our A to Z Listing, making sure the library does NOT own the resource.  We cannot request items that we already own.  Consult the Reference Desk (203-371-7726) on the 1st Floor of the library if you have any problem with this. 
