Welcome! Sacred Heart University offers a number of on-campus and online undergraduate, graduate, and certificate programs in nursing through the College of Nursing and Saint Vincent's College, and so we here at the Sacred Heart University Library enthusiastically support student research for individuals pursuing nursing degrees and certificates in the discipline.
This guide will serve you as an excellent introduction and useful go-to reference source for core research tools and resources. Use the tabs to the left to navigate about the guide and explore all that we have to offer.
Related Subjects: Anatomy and Physiology, Health Sciences
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A master diagnostician presents the spectrum of diagnoses in DSM-5 in an accessible, clinically useful format.
With a clear explanation of drug prototypes and how they work, Lehne's Pharmacology for Nursing Care, 10th Edition gives you the background you need to understand drugs currently on the market, and those not yet released.
Known for its accuracy and easy-to-use format, Mosby's Diagnostic & Laboratory Test Reference 15th Edition is your one-stop source for all the latest testing information needed in clinicals, class, and professional practice.