No worries! The library staff will obtain the article for you from another library. This is called InterLibrary loan.
Some databases will give you access to the full text of the article. (Sometimes you need to look around the page for a link to "PDF".)
Some databases also include citations. These provide details about the article's publication - but not the full text.
Have you found a citation and you need the full text?
1. Look for a Find It button with PDF, HTML or a database name
2. Don't see a Find It button?
Try Citation Linker with at least one of the following: Journal Title, ISSN, DOI, or PMID.
3. Follow steps to access the article through InterLibrary loan - a free service for getting a copy from a different library. Make an ILL request
These search engines can be helpful with broader research on your topic. There are two ways you tailor your search engines to display Sacred Heart University holdings -- on Google Scholar and on Google Chrome using LibKey Nomad (see side box on this page for more info.)
It is also possible to check to see if the library has access for any given article by using the Citation linker. (see side box on this page for more info)
With a small amount of effort, you can tailor search engines like Google Scholar or regular Google to display Sacred Heart University library holdings.
1) On your favorite browser, open Google Scholar. Open Settings (left side menu) and the Library links. Search for and select Sacred Heart University - Full Text @ SHU Library and Sacred Heart University - Proquest Full text - as well as Open World Cat Library Search.
2) On Google Chrome, install the LibKey Nomad browser extension from the Chrome Web Store and select Sacred Heart University as your institution. LibKey Nomad instantly provides links to full text articles subscribed to by the Sacred Heart University Library. For more info and a video, see this LibKey Nomad page.