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Cybersecurity Research Guide

Avoiding Plagiarism / SHU Academic Integrity Policy

According to SHU's Academic Integrity Policy, plagiarism is: any act of misrepresenting the sources of one's information and ideas. When writing essays, it is the act of presenting another person's written words or ideas as one's own. When reporting experimental work, it includes the acts of falsifying data and presenting another's data as one's own. In speeches, it involves quoting passages of others' speeches or written words without mention of the author.

Forms of plagiarism therefore include, but are not limited to:

  • Copying whole papers or passages from another student or from any source.
  • Allowing another student to copy or submit one's work.
  • Buying or obtaining a paper from any source, including term-paper sellers and internet sources, and submitting that paper or passages of it as one's own work.
  • Pasting a passage from the internet or any computer source into one's paper without quoting and attributing the passage.
  • Fabricating or falsifying a bibliography.


Citation Styles for Cybersecurity

The Cybersecurity program at Sacred Heart University requires students to select a citation style -- IEEE, ACS, or APA are most commonly used - and be consistent with the style for the complete paper.  

Why is citing important?

  • As a scholar, it is important to give the proper credit to the authors who provided the ideas and research that you use in your own work;
  • Your instructor  - or any reader of your paper - needs to be able to locate the sources of your research;
  • Properly citing experts gives credibility to the argument of the paper; and 
  • Shows that you have researched your topic thoroughly and understand the main concepts.

Citation Guides

Citation Style Guides

For further assistance, please contact a librarian.

Using Zotero, a citation management tool

Zotero Guide

Zotero [zoh-TAIR-oh] is a FREE virtual resource organizer and citation management software that can greatly aid your research.

Anytime you locate useful content online (for example - an article in a library database, a website, a video, a book, or more) you easily save and store an active link for the resource into a Zotero library. You can then access these resources to create automatic in-text citations and bibliographies in any style that you want, such as APA, AMA, MLA, IEEE and others. 
