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Economic Research: E-Resources for Econ Research

Web Resources

RePEc stands for "Research Papers in Economics" and is an internal name for a group working on the provision of electronic working papers.  It is a large bibliographic database dedicated to Economics and is available freely on the Net. Over 1,000,000 items of research can be browsed or searched, and over 900,000 can be downloaded in full text.

Library Databases

Academic Search Premier
Academic Search Premier (ASP) is a multi-disciplinary database that includes citations and abstracts from over 8,500 scholarly publications (journals, magazines and newspapers). Full text is available for more than 4,600 of the publications and is searchable. Indexing and full text availability varies with title.

ABI/Inform provides summaries and citations from over 1000 academic management, marketing, and general business journals, with full text available for more than 500 of these publications, including the Wall Street Journal & Financial Times. Over 350 English-language titles from outside the United States are included as part of this collection.

JSTOR provides access to key scholarly journals spanning many disciplines, including those in the arts, humanities and social sciences.

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Kristina D'Agostino