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Physician Assistant Research Guide


The following is a collection of links to major resources utilized commonly utilized to help with research and organize a systematic review for PA 612, the Master's Capstone Project 

Yale Systematic Searches Tutorial

Yale Systematic Searches Tutorial - Designed by Cushing/Whitney Medical Library at Yale, this collection of video tutorials reviews how to perform comprehensive searches for a systematic review. 


Zotero Video Tutorial - This library video tutorial explains how to download, install and use Zotero, a free resource management tool that makes saving and organizing research an easy and convenient process. 

LibKey Nomad for PubMed

LibKey Nomad Video Tutorial - This short tutorial shows how to install the free LibKey Nomad browser plugin. When installed, this helpful tool automatically checks PubMed search results and instantly provide links to an article's full text if available through the SHU library's databases or elsewhere online. 

Grey Literature

Grey Literature for the Health Sciences Research Guide - This SHU library guide has links to an array of major grey literature resources, including clinical trial registries and preprint repositories. 

Covidence Resources

Getting Started with Covidence  - Covidence is an article screening and data extraction tool used by PA students for this systematic reviews, and this video tutorial collection is a great introduction that covers essentials like how to import citations, and how to screen articles. 

Most students end up saving their articles in Zotero before importing them into Covidence. To export articles from Zotero: 

1.) Open up your Zotero library, select Preferences, and then select Export

2.) Make sure that the Export Files option is selected, and then select RIS as the file format (RIS is the only file format available in Zotero that Covidence accepts). The files will then be exported as a zip file for easy import into one's Covidence account. 


PRISMA Website - PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) is is an evidence-based minimum set of items for reporting in systematic reviews and meta-analyses, and is the general outline used by the PA program for writing capstone systematic reviews. 

Risk of Bias Resources

Cochrane Methods Bias - Methodology used by PA program to determine issues with retained literature

robivs - robvis is the preferred tool for creating risk-of-bias visualizations 
