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Searching as Exploration (Video Tutorial)

A complex search to explore a research question is not going to bring the same kind of instant, easily available answers as will a search for something more simple. Thinking of your search as exploration or discovery can help you adjust your expectations.

In the following videos, you will learn how to approach searching as exploration or a discovery activity.

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Choosing a Database (Video)

With so many library resources available to you online, it can be hard to determine where to begin your research and what sources best suit your needs.

In this video, you’ll learn how to determine your assignment’s information need, locate the different types of library databases that are available for your use, and how to identify specific features of a database to determine if it meets your needs.

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QUIZ: Choosing a Database Quiz

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Choosing & Using Keywords (Tutorial)

Choosing and using keywords are important skills when conducting research.

In this tutorial, we will examine why identifying keywords is important, how to select key concepts from a research question, and ways to identify useful keywords.

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QUIZ: Choosing & Using Keywords Quiz

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Search Techniques, Part 1 (Tutorial)

Most of the searches you do in library resources will use keywords, so choosing accurate ones from your research question will give you better results.

This tutorial will help you master searching library resources—starting with choosing keywords, then putting them together to retrieve accurate results.

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Search Techniques, Part 2 (Tutorial)

While every database is different, there are helpful tricks that can improve your search results in almost any database.

This tutorial will cover full-text searching, field searching, subject searching and thesaurus, truncation/wildcard, and limiting your search.

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Refining Search Results (Video)

You’ve picked a topic for your research paper, opened a database, done a search, and gotten thousands of results. The amount of information available can be overwhelming when starting a search.

This video will explain how to brainstorm a topic before you begin searching, refine your search based on your results, and manage your search results.

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QUIZ: Search Techniques Quiz

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